exploring doshas

Today, I set out to complete some homework from my last YTT module. There were some case studies that incorporated peoples doshas into their treatment plan so I did some investigating to find out more about them. It isn’t the first time I have been curious about this aspect of Ayurvedic Medicine- one of my most favourite teachers often mentions their affect on us during yoga class.

Ayurveda: life science (a well established health care system)

  • 5 elements (earth, water, fire, air, space)

Doshas: subtle energy that combines and balances the elements

  • Vata (air & space- movement)
  • Pitta (fire & water- metabolism)
  • Kapha (water & earth- lubrication and glue)

I took a quiz and read a few blogs to find out the qualities of each dosha; Vata, Pitta and Kapha. I ended up settling on being a combination of Pitta/Vata. I am more Pitta than Vata but there are Vata characteristics that I strongly associate with. Kapha and I only had a few connections. I was very intrigued at this point! I couldn’t wait to read more about my combination and discover how to balance myself.


Here is a list things I’ve decided to focus on this Autumn for my Pitta/Vata combination:

  1. Eat cool foods for the first part of Autumn then introduce warmer as the weather (pacifiy the hot/cold characteristic of Pitta/Vata)
  2. Indulge in some sweet tastes (good for calming)
  3. Slow down, self-nurture (to foster balance)
  4. Take an ‘earth’ centred approach to my yoga practice (forward folds, standing postures, twists, restorative practice)
  5. Alternate nostril breathing (to calm)

(information sourced from Banyan BotanicalsMindBodyGreen, Yoga Travel TreeDanielle Bertoia)

Until next time!



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